Re-Cycle Welcomes Partners from Zambia


Re-Cycle Welcomes Partners from the Care Providers Foundation in Zambia


Last week, Re-Cycle had the pleasure of hosting partners from the Care Providers Foundation, who travelled all the way from Zambia to the United Kingdom. Director Willard and his wife, Given, joined us for a day at our Wormingford warehouse.

The visit was filled with activities as Willard and Given got a tour of our warehouse, giving them a firsthand look at how we operate. They even rolled up their sleeves and joined in prepping a bicycle that will soon make its way to Africa. It was an incredible opportunity for them to experience the entire journey, from our warehouse to our office, that our team takes to ensure these life-changing bicycles reach Africa smoothly.

Charlotte Ward, Director of Re-Cycle. said:

“Yesterday was a great day! It was so good to host our Zambian partner at our warehouse for the day whilst they were visiting the UK”.




The Care Providers Foundation is known for its hard work alongside local partners and communities to improve access to essential resources like food, water, healthcare, education, and income. Their dedication to effective and sustainable development projects is inspiring.

At Re-Cycle we’re proud of the role our bicycles play in supporting local communities and contributing to the Foundation’s projects. We’re grateful to have partners like the Care Providers Foundation who share our vision for a better world.

We want to express our heartfelt thanks to Willard and Given for their dedication and for being a vital part of our mission. Together, we’re making a real difference in the lives of those who need it most.




Sustainable Transport in Zambia


Zambia is one of the least developed countries in the world, ranked 143 out of 189 countries in the 2019 UN Human Development Index.

Children and adults with bicycles in Zambia are able to reduce their commute times by up to 75 percent. They have more time to study, are more productive, and experience less fatigue. Farmers can travel four times further and carry more goods (load capacity is increased five-fold).

Since our partnership started in 2009, Re-Cycle has shipped over 18,000 bicycles to Zambia. These bicycles are offered to community members at prices significantly below the market rate, with profits going into local community projects. This initiative has been incredibly impactful, bringing substantial benefits to the community.


In Africa, where access to transportation can be a significant challenge, affordable bicycles are making a profound impact on the lives of individuals like Mable Chanshi. Read Mable’s story HERE

Your support makes a difference...

Help Provide a Bicycle Lifeline to People in Rural Africa.

Whether you decide to make a one-off donation or pledge a monthly gift, we promise that the donation you make to us will be used to help provide a bicycle lifeline to people in rural Africa.

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