Case Study: Mable’s Story – Zambia


In Africa, where access to transportation can be a significant challenge, affordable bicycles are making a profound impact on the lives of individuals like Mable Chanshi.


Mable Chanshi, a single mother of four, works as a maid at a location 5km from her home.

Mable faced the daily challenge of commuting to her workplace. She had to walk this distance each day, setting out from her home at 5 a.m. to ensure she arrived at work on time. This daily routine not only consumed a significant portion of her day but also left her physically drained, impacting her overall quality of life.

Mable’s life took a positive turn when she found Care Provider Foundation, Re-Cycle’s partner in Zambia. Mable was able to purchase a bicycle tailored to her needs, marking a significant turning point in her daily life.

With her new bicycle, Mable’s daily commute time was slashed from one and a half hours to just half an hour. This not only eased her daily routine but also allowed her to allocate more time to her children’s care and spend quality moments with them.


The Benefits;

  • Time Savings: With her new bicycle, Mable’s daily commute time was slashed from one and a half hours to just half an hour.
  • Improved Health: Cycling to work provides Mable with regular exercise, contributing to her overall well-being.
  • Increased Productivity: With more time at her disposal Mable can find herself more energised and productive at work.
  • Community Impact: Mable’s story can inspire others in her community to consider bicycles as a viable means of transportation, promoting sustainability.


Mable Chanshi’s journey exemplifies the transformative power of affordable bicycles in Africa. Re-Cycle bikes not only enhance individual lives but also uplift entire communities, promoting sustainability and well-being across the continent.


We aim to improve more lives, like Mable’s through bicycle re-use.
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