Volunteer With Us

At Re-Cycle, we believe in the transformative power of bicycles. Our mission is simple yet impactful: to collect and ship used bicycles to Africa, providing sustainable transportation solutions to communities in need.

By doing so, we empower individuals with mobility, enabling access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

But we can’t do it alone—we need your help!

Re-Cycle relies heavily on support from volunteers and we are very grateful for their time, hard work, and dedication.

All our volunteers make an invaluable contribution to the work and success of Re-Cycle and we do our best to ensure that volunteer time here is rewarding and enjoyable.

Why Volunteer with Re-Cycle?

1. Make a Tangible Impact:

Every bicycle you help us send to Africa can change a life. Bicycles reduce the time and effort required to access essential services, enhancing the quality of life for countless individuals.

2. Support Sustainable Solutions:

Bicycles are environmentally friendly and cost-effective. By recycling and repurposing bikes, we promote sustainability and reduce waste, all while supporting communities in need.

3. Be Part of a Global Movement:

Join a community of like-minded volunteers and supporters who are passionate about creating positive change. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of people across Africa.

Volunteer Opportunities

Voluntter in warehouse Re-Cycle bikes Africa

Warehouse Support

Help us with unloading deliveries, prepping bikes for shipment, stripping bikes for usable parts, and loading containers. Your hands-on support is crucial in ensuring that every bike reaches its destination in optimal condition.

Voluntter collect Re-Cycle bikes Africa

Collect Bikes

Organise and run a local bicycle collection. Spread the word in your community, gather unwanted bikes, and ensure they are delivered to Re-Cycle. Your efforts in collecting bikes are the first step in changing lives.

Voluntter in workshop Re-Cycle bikes Africa

Workshop Support

If you’re a bike mechanic, join our team to repair and refurbish used donated bikes. These bikes, unsuitable for shipment to Africa, are sold to the UK public, and the proceeds help fund our mission.

Voluntter fundriase sponsor Re-Cycle bikes Africa

Fundraising & Awareness

Help us raise funds and spread awareness about our mission. Organise fundraising events or connect us with potential sponsors. Your support in fundraising helps us cover operational costs and expand our reach.

How To Get Started

Fill out our volunteer application form.

Once we receive your application, we will be in touch to discuss how you can best contribute your time and skills. Our team will work with you to identify the volunteer opportunities that match your interests and availability, ensuring a rewarding and impactful experience.

workshop mechanic repaid bikes re-cycle James
Re-Cycle volunteer break van tea
warehouse prepare for africa bikes re-cycle Ryan