Re-Cycle visits partner in Zambia

Zambia Field Trip Report

3rd – 10th July 2024


From 3rd to 10th July 2024, Charlotte, our Director, and Mark, our Warehouse Manager, visited our partner, the Care Provider Foundation (CPF), in Zambia. The trip was a great success, allowing us to see firsthand the impact of the bikes we send from our warehouse in Colchester, Essex, on various community projects.


Impact of Re-Cycle Bikes

Our bikes have a significant impact in the central province of Zambia, where the main bike shop is based. Additionally, bike shops in Lungi and Kabwe also benefit from our donations, providing essential transport options for individuals and families. These shops, all supported by Re-Cycle bikes, provide cheap transport options for people to get to school or work.

During their visit, Charlotte and Mark toured these bike shops and spoke with customers. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive regarding the quality of the bikes. However, a concern was the shortage of high-quality spare parts in the country. Currently, available parts are often substandard imports from China. Although Re-Cycle includes spare parts in every shipment, based on this feedback we will ensure to send additional parts to Zambia if we have them available at the time of loading.

Re-Cycle training bike mechanic africa    Bikes africa container


Community Support Initiatives

Beyond providing bikes, the Care Provider Foundation undertakes various community support initiatives…


Re-Cycle Bikes Sanitary Towels Zambia Africa

Sanitary Towels to Schools: CPF collaborates with rural schools to support girls’ education by distributing over 1,500 packets of sanitary towels to six schools, aiding 500 girls every three months. This effort allows girls to attend school consistently, rather than missing one week each month due to lack of menstrual protection. Charlotte had the privilege of distributing products to girls in four schools during the visit.


Zambia July Trip Re-Cycle Building Classrooms School

Building Schools: CPF also supports schools by constructing classrooms and teachers’ accommodations, which offer much-needed teaching space and enable teachers to live on site.


Re-Cycle Bikes to Zambia Building Boreholes water community

Installing Boreholes for Clean Water: Another critical project supported by CPF is the identification and construction of boreholes in rural communities lacking access to clean water. Charlotte visited a newly completed borehole on a rural road outside of Kapiri Mposhi with CPF Director Willard.



Mechanic Training Program

A key focus of this field trip was the mechanic training provided to the five mechanics employed by CPF. Mark spent three days identifying their knowledge gaps and training them on various bike mechanics aspects. The training covered:

1. The process of M Checking a bike (equivalent to an MOT for a car)

2. Setting up front and rear derailleurs

3. Bleeding hydraulic systems

4. Maintenance and servicing of wheel hubs and bearings

This training enhanced the mechanics’ technical skills, enabling them to better service Re-Cycle bikes before sale.

Re-Cycle training mechanics zambia    MArk Re-Cycle bikes training bicycle wheel      Re-Cycle Bicycle Mechanics team Zambia charity




Charlotte and Mark’s visit was invaluable in understanding the extensive work CPF does, not only locally but also in remote rural communities. This field trip emphasised the importance of our support in providing affordable transportation and highlighted the broader community benefits of our bike donations.


Bicycle shop Zambia Re-Cycle essex    Charlotte RE-Cycle charity director sanitary products    Re-Cycle Care Provider Foundation Zambia UK Team


None of this work would be possible without your generous support. Through your donations, we can continue to support communities in rural Zambia by providing access to affordable transportation and indirectly through the many other projects that CPF supports from the sale of the bikes.

Thank you for making a difference.

Your support makes a difference...

Help Provide a Bicycle Lifeline to People in Rural Africa.

Whether you decide to make a one-off donation or pledge a monthly gift, we promise that the donation you make to us will be used to help provide a bicycle lifeline to people in rural Africa.

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