Deacon Peddles Coast to Coast

Deacon peddles the extra mile from coast to coast to help change lives


Deacon Richardson, 27 from Colchester, who works as a social worker in Fostering and Adoption is taking on the gruelling challenge of riding over 450 miles from Lands’ End in Cornwall to Ness Point Lowestoft in Suffolk.

This is a massive challenge where he will be travelling solo and unsupported. This means that he will be completing this challenge whilst carrying everything to sustain him.  He has never done anything like this before especially on a second-hand bike worth £100.

Deacon starts his challenge on the 5th of May and aims to complete it in under 10 days.  He will be taking it at a slower pace so he can enjoy the beautiful areas that Britain has to offer. He will be camping during the trip, but he admits he is not a regular camper, so a challenge itself.

Deacon knows exactly how tough it is for people living in rural communities in Africa to get to work, school, market and to fetch water. For most people living in rural communities, their only mode of transport is the humble bicycle.  Not a new one but one that has been shipped from the UK by local charity Re-Cycle Bikes to Africa.

Deacon Richardson say’s “I have chosen to raise funds for Re-Cycle because of the ethos and values of the charity. Re-Cycle look at reusing unwanted/donated bikes and shipping them to deprived countries in Africa, thus reducing the impact of landfill. Having personally travelled to Morocco, Tunisia and Kenya in Africa I have witnessed the inequalities that many of the communities’ face. Things that we take for granted in Britain can be so valuable for communities in parts of Africa. Travelling in Kenya made me realise how happy everyone seemed to be despite many families still living in mud huts with no material items that we value in Britain. In Britain, many people including myself consider a bike ride as a leisure, fitness or commuting activity, however, I recognise the positive benefit that a bike can make for rural communities in Africa.

Lindsay Hurrell, Fundraising & Marketing Manager, Re-Cycle say’s “We are thrilled that Deacon has decided to take on this challenge and raise valuable funds for Re-Cycle Bikes to Africa.  The past year due to the pandemic has seen a decline in fundraising activities and bike donations, so we are truly grateful to individuals like Deacon who are helping to support the charity by fundraising and raising awareness. Team Re-Cycle wish him good luck with his adventure.

If you would like to help Deacon with his fundraising efforts you can donate via


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Help Provide a Bicycle Lifeline to People in Rural Africa.

Whether you decide to make a one-off donation or pledge a monthly gift, we promise that the donation you make to us will be used to help provide a bicycle lifeline to people in rural Africa.

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