Case Study: Ryan’s Journey with Re-Cycle

In celebration of Volunteers Week 2024, we are delighted to spotlight Ryan, a dedicated volunteer at Re-Cycle. Ryan’s story is an inspiring testament to the power of volunteering and its profound impact on personal development and community enrichment.


Ryan, a 34-year-old with autism, began his volunteering journey with Re-Cycle in October 2011. Initially committing to three days a week, Ryan’s enthusiasm and dedication quickly grew, leading him to volunteer five days a week. Accompanied daily by his carer, Alan, Ryan has found a supportive and nurturing environment at Re-Cycle.


Ryan 100000 bikes Re-Cycle volunteer   Ryan and Mark warehouse manager at Re-Cycle The Gambia Bike   Ryan unloading bike donation re-cycle


A Path to Personal Growth

For Ryan, volunteering at Re-Cycle is more than a way to fill his days; it is part of his development. Traditional employment opportunities have posed challenges for Ryan, but volunteering offers him a structured and meaningful way to engage with the world. Through his work at Re-Cycle, Ryan gains valuable insights into real-life situations and experiences that are beneficial for his physical wellbeing. The regular interactions with staff and fellow volunteers help him hone his social skills and build relationships.


Making a Difference

Ryan’s contributions to Re-Cycle are highly valued by the entire team. The charity, which boasts a predominantly older volunteer base, deeply appreciates Ryan’s energy and strength, particularly when it comes to unloading bicycle deliveries. His commitment doesn’t stop there; Ryan participates in preparing bikes for shipment to Africa and takes great pride in working alongside the warehouse manager, Mark, especially during the critical task of loading containers bound for Africa.


MArk and ~Ryan loading container for Africa Re-Cycle


Mark, highlights the role that Re-Cycle plays for Ryan: “Having known Ryan for 10 years, I have seen him grow as a person in confidence and his verbal communication has improved dramatically. Ryan is an integral part of the Re-Cycle team and we are very fortunate to have him wanting to support us in our everyday work”.




The Social Aspect

One of the most significant benefits Ryan experiences from volunteering is the social interaction. He thrives in the supportive environment at Re-Cycle, where he feels a sense of camaraderie and belonging. The structured nature of his days at Re-Cycle provide him with a routine that is both comforting and fulfilling.


Ryan container loading re-cycle  Ryan Charlotte Paul Sierra Leone Bicycles loading van   Mark, Hannah and Ryan unloading lorry bike donations


A Broader Impact

Ryan’s story is not unique at Re-Cycle. Many volunteers come to the organisation seeking to develop their skills, find a sense of purpose, and engage in meaningful social interactions. Re-Cycle provides a supportive space where individuals can contribute to a noble cause while growing personally and socially.



As we celebrate Volunteers Week 2024, Ryan’s journey at Re-Cycle highlights the power of volunteering. His dedication and hard work not only support the mission of Re-Cycle but also demonstrate personal benefits. Ryan’s story is a powerful reminder of how volunteering can provide a sense of purpose, community, and fulfilment for individuals from all walks of life. At Re-Cycle, Ryan has found more than just a place to volunteer; he has found a community that values him and a cause that inspires him.


Ryan bicycle donation re-cycle bikes to Afirca van green   Ryan Loading container bicycle tyres container africa   


For more informtion on volunteering opportunities with Re-Cycle CLICK HERE

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Help Provide a Bicycle Lifeline to People in Rural Africa.

Whether you decide to make a one-off donation or pledge a monthly gift, we promise that the donation you make to us will be used to help provide a bicycle lifeline to people in rural Africa.

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