Re-Cycle’s Bicycle Donations Fuel Education for Girls in Zambia

Re-Cycle’s Bicycle Donations Fuel Education for Girls in Zambia


In Zambia, bicycles donated by Re-Cycle and sold within the local community are driving positive change far beyond transportation. The funds generated from these sales are reinvested into vital local projects, making a significant difference in the lives of many.



Re-Cycle’s partner, Care Providers Foundation Zambia (CPFZ), is a shining example of this impact. CPFZ utilises the funds to procure sanitary towels for girls in rural areas, ensuring they don’t have to miss school during their periods. This initiative is crucial in promoting uninterrupted education for girls, who often face challenges accessing necessary sanitary products.


Transformative Support for Rural Schools

Care Providers Foundation Zambia collaborates with several very rural schools to support girls’ education throughout the term. Every three months, CPFZ donates over 1,500 packets of sanitary towels to six different schools, benefiting around 500 girls. This initiative ensures that girls can attend school for the entire month, rather than staying home for a week due to a lack of sanitary protection.

During a recent visit to Zambia, Charlotte, our director, had the privilege of distributing some of these essential supplies to girls in four different schools. One of the schools visited was Mikwempe School, an extremely remote institution where children walk up to 15 kilometres to attend classes.












Sustained Efforts and Ongoing Support

Mikwempe School, originally constructed by CPFZ’s partners, continues to receive substantial support. In addition to providing sanitary towels, CPFZ is involved in building new facilities at the school, ensuring a conducive learning environment. The organisation also supports other schools by constructing classrooms and teachers’ accommodations, which provide much-needed additional space for teaching and enable teachers to live on site.

This comprehensive approach not only aids in the girls’ education but also strengthens the overall educational infrastructure in these rural communities.



How You Can Help

The story of Re-Cycle’s bicycle donations and their transformative impact in Zambia is a testament to how thoughtful initiatives can bring about meaningful change. By supporting Re-Cycle, you are contributing to a cycle of empowerment and education for girls in rural Zambia.

You can support us financially by making a donation, or if you have an unwanted bike, donate it to us, and it can change a life in Africa. Join us in expanding our reach and helping more girls stay in school. Your support is invaluable in driving this mission forward.



Together, we can make a lasting difference.


Your support makes a difference...

Help Provide a Bicycle Lifeline to People in Rural Africa.

Whether you decide to make a one-off donation or pledge a monthly gift, we promise that the donation you make to us will be used to help provide a bicycle lifeline to people in rural Africa.

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